The Speech Motor Systems (SMS) lab at the University of South Florida is ~300 square feet facility located on the third floor of the Communication Sciences and Disorders building (PCD 1017), room 3016. The lab is equipped with a large double-walled sound booth with two testing/data collection stations. Equipment available for our research includes Phonatory Aerodynamic System (PAS), Tucker-Davis Technology (TDT) hardware/software systems with a variety of transducers (e.g., Sennheiser 280Pro headphones, ER-2, 3A ear inserts) and GSi audiometers. Two Lenovo laptops are available with specific hardware/software (e.g., LabVIEW; E-Prime) for data collection and analyses. The lab houses multiple personal computers as student workstations. All systems have the latest version of MATLAB software for signal processing. Additional sound analyses software such as Adobe Audition, PRAAT, TF32, and LingWAVES are also available. All computers have other general software including office productivity suites, EndNote, SPSS, JMP, and charting software such as Inkscape. Our lab collaborates with researchers within the Communication Sciences and Disorders department at USF, as well as across campus, and at other universities.